This recent revival of this thread prompted another look at those sketches. Unfortunately, having looked at the marketplace and having owned seven Scouts I see a real conundrum. The sketches do not say Scout to me. The say something like crossing a Rivian with a Ford Flex - with futuristic detailing. But what else can we expect? The Feds definition of what makes a SUV and relating that to meeting fleet mileage goals pretty much pushed automotive design to a place where almost everything looks pretty similar. That, plus the agreed knowledge that our early Scout designs were copied and modified by most of the competition pretty much dictates the outcome. Form can hardly follow function anymore because of all the restrictive rules. As I have said before, I believe there is an unmet market for a real utility vehicle; that's what I bought my Scouts for. Yes, design has to please the marketplace -- the American market where the current fads are bigger and wider and taller. The Sketches show lift well above what those tires would require. Predictably those will eventually end. Remember, the practical world of warfare depends on the simplicity of the Hilux.