Hello Everyone!
This suggestion box forum is where you can post your suggestions for Scout products and for anything you'd like to see in the forum. Examples include your thoughts on the designs, features you'd like to see, colors you are hoping for, capabilities you'd like to see, and aftermarket considerations. We recommend you try to make the suggestion specific and limit it to one main suggestion. Feel free to start topics for different suggestions. That way, suggestions can be voted on well. The Suggestion Box forum may have some duplicate posts found in other parts of the forum, but we will be checking the forums regularly, so there is no need to worry. We recommend that you check to see if your suggestion has already been discussed previously and if it makes more sense to add your opinion to the original recommendation.
Here is an example with the upvote arrow circled in red:
So feel free to start a suggestion topic, and we'll occasionally start our own posts when we are looking for input.
- Jamie
This suggestion box forum is where you can post your suggestions for Scout products and for anything you'd like to see in the forum. Examples include your thoughts on the designs, features you'd like to see, colors you are hoping for, capabilities you'd like to see, and aftermarket considerations. We recommend you try to make the suggestion specific and limit it to one main suggestion. Feel free to start topics for different suggestions. That way, suggestions can be voted on well. The Suggestion Box forum may have some duplicate posts found in other parts of the forum, but we will be checking the forums regularly, so there is no need to worry. We recommend that you check to see if your suggestion has already been discussed previously and if it makes more sense to add your opinion to the original recommendation.
Here is an example with the upvote arrow circled in red:
So feel free to start a suggestion topic, and we'll occasionally start our own posts when we are looking for input.
- Jamie
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