Chris Stahl and I have lots of opinions, but they are just ours and don't collectively speak for the company.
I think at a basic level, we have to build vehicles that compete with other vehicles and stand on their own merits. So, mapping out the competitive features, trim packages, and consumer wants and needs is a given when planning any vehicle. So, 90%+ of product planning is covered by what consumer expectations are for a vehicle - including the numerous suggestions in this forum. Then, the rest of it is how we might differentiate our vehicle or make it unique in the marketplace. Could be features, could be design, could be special-use, etc., etc. This forum has a lot of solid recommendations, and our teams are both reading the forums and getting tidbits from Chris and I. We just don't want to come in here at this stage and say a certain feature is coming and then have something happen between now and production where it ends up not making it on the vehicle.
Our goal is to get our teams more involved in the discussion here, but this early out, there isn't much they can confirm or deny. Numerous decisions have to be weighed against costs, wants, needs, and more, and they change daily. Chris Benjamin has a team of more than a dozen people in our design group that he manages on a daily basis. Plus, numerous projects internally with exterior mock-ups, interior mock-ups, clay models, endless CAD drawing reviews, meetings with engineering, production, and product teams, and on and on. So getting Chris Benjamin to spend time in here is honestly tough. He also wouldn't be able to say much at this point. Having personally seen where the design team is at right now, I think most people will be happy with where everything is headed. Our design teams have a huge virtual whiteboard with every single Scout advertisement ever produced. Every logo variation, every grill variation, all the old design drawings, the entire CT399 color guide, and more. They are very thorough in collecting the history, legacy, and inspiration points. They have also been very thorough in the vast number of design iterations of both the new SUV and the new pickup truck. The designs will be refined before the vehicles are shown, but it is pretty far along at this stage. I think when Chris is ready to talk about the new designs, we will create an opportunity for people here to ask questions. We also plan to do a video series that will cover some of this as well, so stay tuned.
Please keep the suggestions and ideas coming. This community platform is a unique opportunity in the automotive world to influence a future product.