Hello Scouts!
We thought it would be fun to talk colors and see what people are interested in. So, let's assume black, white and silver are in the mix already. Here are a variety of different shades of fun colors for your voting pleasure. We are going to limit this just three votes per registered user, so pick your top 3 choices. Since it doesn't officially count, don't bother creating a different account just to bump something up. We will run some semi-official color polls much later as we get closer to production. Ok, so here are some general choices:



Butter Yellow:

Bright Yellow:

Avocado Green:

Bright Green:

Dark Green:

Sky Blue:

Bright Blue:

Medium Blue:

Dark Blue:

Aqua Marine Blue:
Blue Grey:

Light Grey:

We thought it would be fun to talk colors and see what people are interested in. So, let's assume black, white and silver are in the mix already. Here are a variety of different shades of fun colors for your voting pleasure. We are going to limit this just three votes per registered user, so pick your top 3 choices. Since it doesn't officially count, don't bother creating a different account just to bump something up. We will run some semi-official color polls much later as we get closer to production. Ok, so here are some general choices:



Butter Yellow:

Bright Yellow:

Avocado Green:

Bright Green:

Dark Green:

Sky Blue:

Bright Blue:

Medium Blue:

Dark Blue:

Aqua Marine Blue:
Blue Grey:

Light Grey:

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