One of Scout II's most unique features was the versatility the owner had in choosing his/her top configuration.
The new Scouts to date look to have three roof options: Steel top, Cabana, and Glass. However, they do lack the versatility between each for the owner. I myself was pretty excited about the idea of a cabana set up on my Terra. With multiple recent issues with my wife's sunroof leaking and post about issues with cabana tops; it got me thinking how it would be such a bummer to invest this kind of money into a vehicle only to be disappointed down the road and stuck with that early decision. That lead me to wondering if it could be designed so that a glass top could be installed to replace a cabana if so desired, which then lead me to the versatility between all top options....
Could the opening in the roof be designed in a way to seat a common square frame of all three options. That frame is easily clamped down similar to convertible top levers, allowing the owner the versatility to change out the top configurations. I could see value in this with regards to different seasons. It also opens up additional purchases from Scout Motors if the owner wishes to collect all three. Lastly it makes it easy to purchase and change out the cabana top if troubles do arise years down the road.
A few other top inserts ideas: sunroof, plain open frame - allowing owner customizations like mesh or plexiglass for offroading on colder days or even rooftop tent access openings.
Picturing the different tops hanging on my garage wall now.
The new Scouts to date look to have three roof options: Steel top, Cabana, and Glass. However, they do lack the versatility between each for the owner. I myself was pretty excited about the idea of a cabana set up on my Terra. With multiple recent issues with my wife's sunroof leaking and post about issues with cabana tops; it got me thinking how it would be such a bummer to invest this kind of money into a vehicle only to be disappointed down the road and stuck with that early decision. That lead me to wondering if it could be designed so that a glass top could be installed to replace a cabana if so desired, which then lead me to the versatility between all top options....
Could the opening in the roof be designed in a way to seat a common square frame of all three options. That frame is easily clamped down similar to convertible top levers, allowing the owner the versatility to change out the top configurations. I could see value in this with regards to different seasons. It also opens up additional purchases from Scout Motors if the owner wishes to collect all three. Lastly it makes it easy to purchase and change out the cabana top if troubles do arise years down the road.
A few other top inserts ideas: sunroof, plain open frame - allowing owner customizations like mesh or plexiglass for offroading on colder days or even rooftop tent access openings.
Picturing the different tops hanging on my garage wall now.