It seems manufacturers often correlate their models with the animal kingdom to help reflect the identity of their ethos. E.g. Kawaski has mule, Dodge has Hellcat and Ford uses G.O.A.T to describe their offloading modes. This is a marketing strategy, but a wise one. What animal would you associate the Scout with and why?
I like the Mule but know it's already taken for the reasons that it's a worker, underestimated, and provider for families-something that resonates with the orgianl Scouts. I also liked Bison but too has been claimed. There are only so many animals and a lot have already been claimed so this was not an easy task.
Badger is one that comes to mind. I know the Badger made quite the impression years ago for not giving a sh*t and would often challenge animals beyond its size. To me, the Scout has a unique challenge, they are coming out after +40 years of solitude and looking to reclaim itself. The Badger is scrappy/gruff, stout but powerful, and often reside in riparian areas.
I like the Mule but know it's already taken for the reasons that it's a worker, underestimated, and provider for families-something that resonates with the orgianl Scouts. I also liked Bison but too has been claimed. There are only so many animals and a lot have already been claimed so this was not an easy task.
Badger is one that comes to mind. I know the Badger made quite the impression years ago for not giving a sh*t and would often challenge animals beyond its size. To me, the Scout has a unique challenge, they are coming out after +40 years of solitude and looking to reclaim itself. The Badger is scrappy/gruff, stout but powerful, and often reside in riparian areas.