I have heard/seen in multiple instances the discussion that Scout plans to have some amount of Right To Repair, including the quote "no glue just screws". Have you ever heard of Framework laptops? Framework laptops are laptops that are completely self serviceable with the ability to take everything apart and replace it all yourself.
I mention Framework because there is one really cool aspect of their design that I think Scout should replicate, on all of the individual parts of the laptop are QR Code stickers that when scanned take you to a guide specific to replacing that individual part. On this page are the tools required, links to buy the specific part(s), and a quick instruction list to preform the replacement with pictures to do so. Here is an example guide from their website https://guides.frame.work/Guide/Fingerprint+Reader+Replacement+Guide/91?lang=en
With this being a vehicle, I wouldn't expect every part to have guides that detailed, but the items that are expected to be replaced more often could have these guides. At the minimum it would be great if the QR codes could take you to the specific part to purchase for a replacement. Depending on how scout plans to implement any sort of repair guides/manuals, this would be an awesome add to that.
This is the type of Right To Repair that would be amazing to see introduced into the automotive space and is something very simple to implement in the manufacturing side, just include a sticker on individual parts.
I mention Framework because there is one really cool aspect of their design that I think Scout should replicate, on all of the individual parts of the laptop are QR Code stickers that when scanned take you to a guide specific to replacing that individual part. On this page are the tools required, links to buy the specific part(s), and a quick instruction list to preform the replacement with pictures to do so. Here is an example guide from their website https://guides.frame.work/Guide/Fingerprint+Reader+Replacement+Guide/91?lang=en
With this being a vehicle, I wouldn't expect every part to have guides that detailed, but the items that are expected to be replaced more often could have these guides. At the minimum it would be great if the QR codes could take you to the specific part to purchase for a replacement. Depending on how scout plans to implement any sort of repair guides/manuals, this would be an awesome add to that.
This is the type of Right To Repair that would be amazing to see introduced into the automotive space and is something very simple to implement in the manufacturing side, just include a sticker on individual parts.